Kansanfunkis website. What and why?
This map based website introduces funkis style detached houses in Finland. They are mainly built in the late 1930’s – early 1940’s. Most of the houses presented are planned by non-architects, meaning building engineers, builders or just laymen. ”Kansan” means people’s and ”funkis” or ”funkkis” is a nickname for functionalism / early modernism.
Many of these examples lack the sophistication that can be found in professional architects works. That is why other less flattering names have also been used of these houses, for example ”maalaisfunkis” meaning rural funkis or ”rakennusmestarifunkis”, builder’s funkis.
Finnish modern, functionalist architecture designed by architects is quite well researched, but this kind of more anonymys funkis has been left aside. The aim of this website is to lift it from the shadows and to get a more comprehensive idea of the whole phenomenon in Finland.
How to use the site
You can always access the map’s basic view by clicking on the site’s logo, title or ”ETUSIVU” on the menu.
Click the red pins to get more information about each house.
The map can be moved and size changed.
On a wide computer screen the sidebar opens from ”+” in the bottom right corner. There you will find the search function, categories and keywords. On a narrow screen and on mobile, these can be found at the bottom of the page.
The keyword ”Tasakatto” means flat roof, and gives you examples that look most modern and have less traditional characteristics.
The keyword ”Vanhoja valokuvia” gives examples that include old photos.
Please also check ”Muistatko purettuja funkistaloja?” from the menu. It contains photos of demolished houses.
I hope you enjoy this trip to an era when international waves of modernism reached our country and even managed to creep deep into our forests and to the shores of our lakes.
Kristiina Mäntynen, Architect, MA
kansanfunkis @ gmail.com